Leiston-cum-Sizewell Neighbourhood Plan Review

Call for Sites

As you may be aware, Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council is in the process of reviewing its Neighbourhood Plan for the parish. The current made Plan runs from 2015 to 2029 and the review will extend the period it covers to 2040. As part of this, we are considering the merits of making new site allocations for development. We are therefore requesting that landowners in the parish put forward sites that they have an interest in being considered for development.

If you wish for your land to be considered for allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan Review, then please could you provide a short written response demonstrating how the land could help to achieve the relevant objectives informing the emerging Neighbourhood Plan Review, outlined in the matrix at the end of this letter. We would be grateful if you could use the matrix to provide your response against each objective.

We are primarily looking at sites for residential use but would request that, along with your response, you include the following:

 A clear statement of which types of development you wish your land to be considered for, e.g. residential, employment, etc. If the site is predominantly proposed for residential use but you would also be willing for some of the land to be used for community facilities, e.g. play spaces, community buildings, sports facilities, etc, please state this clearly.

  1. The area of the land in hectares. Sites must be at least 0.1 hectares in size otherwise they will not be considered.
  2. A plan which clearly shows the location and extent of the land that you wish to be considered, overlaid on a clear map base (an Ordnance Survey map base is preferable).
  3. An understanding of how the site would be accessed by vehicle and opportunities for linking in with existing footpath/pavement and cycle routes.
  4. A clear statement explaining your relationship with the land (e.g. owner, promoter) and any legal restrictions on its use.
  5. When the land would be available for development (e.g. within 5 years, 6-10 years, 11-17 years).

It is understood that any response represents a draft position and at this stage does not automatically bind a landowner to make any such provisions. Equally however, the Neighbourhood Plan Review can only propose to allocate sites if they are demonstrably deliverable and this is a matter which you may wish to address in your submission.

The deadline for your response is Friday 18th October 2024.

We would appreciate it if you would reply, either in hard copy or preferably by email, directly to:-

Ms Helen Greengrass

Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council, Council Offices, Main Street, Leiston, IP16 4ER      

townclerk@leistontowncouncil.gov.uk                 Tel: 01728 830388

If you have any questions specific to this request, please contact Ms Greengrass directly.

Thank you.

Matrix Response


Draft Objective

Proposed contribution towards addressing objective

Objective One: Meet the housing needs of the parish.





Objective Two: Mitigate the impacts of climate change by making Leiston a net zero community





Objective Three: Improve and maintain the community infrastructure of Leiston in order to provide more places for people, young and old, to undertake their leisure pursuits.



Objective Four: Maximise walking and cycling for local trips, whilst ensuring that all new residential properties have levels of parking that are appropriate to Leiston’s role as a rural settlement and parish.



Objective Five: Protect the existing business base of the town and ensure their needs are provided for as well as the needs of new businesses.









Objective Six: Protect and enhance the biodiversity in Leiston parish.















Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council, Council Offices,  Main Street, Leiston,  IP16 4ER
Tel: (01728) 830388


Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council, Council Offices,  Main Street, Leiston,  IP16 4ER
Tel: (01728) 830388