Sustainable Cycle Network
Proposed infrastructure improvements
The Leiston Neighbourhood Plan set out a policy of improvements in cycle routes and our proposals will build on these in order to provide a network of routes around the town. Many are already used by residents for walking and cycling but we have an opportunity to improve their quality, safety and connectivity within the Town making it easier for us to leave our cars at home, travel more sustainably and improve our health and wellbeing.
It is also the intention that these routes will link into the wider cycling network being planned by East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council to support tourism along the Suffolk coast.

- The general approach to highway improvements and interventions within the town centre aims to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists. In particular a reduction in traffic on the streets through introduction of a one-way system and slowing of vehicle speeds using build outs, changes to road alignment and additional crossing points will all help make a safer environment for cyclists and pedestrians.
- Sections including Seaward Avenue and Sylvester Road will have off carriageway cycle lane provision.
- Modal filter on Valley Road will create a traffic-free route.
- The eastern end of Cross Street will be closed to all motor vehicles except westbound buses and emergency vehicles.