Street Improvements
Materials Used
A limited palette of hard landscape materials and carefully selected street furniture products have been collated for the enhancement proposals. The materials palette draws upon local materials including red brick that is prominent in the town centre, the existing streetscape with interesting exposed concrete surfaces and high quality materials used on Main Street and the Old Post Office Square.

Kerbs and Channels
• Robust and hardwearing Granite stone in a silver-grey colour is proposed to link with existing features utilised at Old Post Office Square and continue a high-quality scheme.
• Granite units are utilised to form edges for other materials.
Pedestrian Crossings and Raised Table Ramps
• These features need to withstand heavy use being trafficked by buses and vehicles. A robust and hardwearing Granite stone has been selected in a grey colour with flecks of red to complement the existing built form and proposed materials palette.
• Sawn and bush hammered setts are proposed for the crossing to create a smooth and level surface whilst also providing a high level of slip resistance.
• A split cobble is proposed for the ramps that would create a more varied surface to encourage slower vehicle and cycle movement.
Resurfaced and Widened Footpaths
• Concrete block paving is proposed for all footpaths unless associated with specific heritage schemes, such as Old Post Office Square.
• Small paver unit sizes which are similar format to a brick are proposed to help manage level changes and threshold between footpath and the varied edge created by the mix of shop fronts and other property boundaries.
• On primary streets a natural concrete colour block paver will provide a subtle transition with existing in-situ concrete paths. To add further interest a small percentage of light red pavers will be incorporated into the mix and complement the dark red brickwork used on much of the adjacent built form.
• Secondary streets will use only the natural concrete colour pavers.

Proposed Street Improvements for: