Street Improvements
Interventions to create spaces that work in different ways
The proposed enhancements to the public realm in Leiston Town Centre focus on delivering a high-quality environment, which respects the existing character and history of the place, whilst looking forward to the needs of the community in the future. A key principle of the scheme is to make changes to the roads and prioritise pedestrian and cycle movement to enhance the experience and encourage people of all ages and abilities to linger, meet and enjoy visiting the town centre.
The proposed changes to the road network (refer to highway improvements) include the creation of one-way vehicular traffic routes with contra-flow cycle lanes. These changes will increase space for pedestrian movement and opportunities to enhance the public realm and enable safer and more sustainable ways to access and move around the town.
The proposals are focused on a series of multi-use build-outs which have the following benefits:-
- Increase pedestrian crossings at pavement level.
- A contraflow cycle lane that highlights the contraflow arrangement, reminding drivers that they can expect to encounter people cycling toward them.
- An occupied space within the carriageway that could include trees (spaced sufficiently away from building frontages and vehicles including buses), planting and street furniture.
- A reduction in vehicle speed through changes to carriageway alignment and intervention of ramp, table and lane.
- Build-outs are located close to pedestrian entrances, adjacent to the crossroads and act as gateways to the central retail area and future development opportunities.
Proposed Street Improvements for: